Debunked Dental Health Myths

dental health myths


When it comes to our health, one of the most important things is dental hygiene. We all know that we need to brush our teeth and floss regularly.

However, discovering the truth regarding a healthy smile can sometimes be difficult. Many people have different notions and ideas, and separating fact from fantasy might not always be easy. Namely, there are a few common oral health myths that seem not to be true.

Therefore, check these ten debunked dental health myths that can help you to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

1. You do not have to floss if you brush your teeth two times a day

Flossing your teeth at least once a day is essential to maintaining proper oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing always go hand in hand. Flossing allows you to clean all parts of your mouth. By flossing, you will remove all the food particles. This will, in turn, not result in oral health issues.

In case your teeth are uneven or crooked and you find them difficult to clean, you might want to consider getting invisible braces. Apart from being easy to wear, there are almost invisible, so no one will know you are wearing them. In case you think regular braces are too invasive, invisible braces can be the right fit for you.

2. Chewing gum can be a substitute for teeth brushing

Many people think that chewing bubble gum can be done instead of regular teeth brushing and flossing. Chewing sugarless gum can definitely assist you in your daily dental hygiene routine. However, it does not replace brushing and flossing. It is necessary to brush your teeth 30 minutes after your meal and floss once a day as well.

If you cannot brush your teeth immediately after a meal, chewing gum can certainly help. Namely, it can remove the harmful bacteria on your teeth only until you are able to properly brush your teeth. There will be no effect if you just chew gum and do not brush your teeth. It is essential to brush your teeth after chewing the gum, too. It is a fact that gum is beneficial when it comes to removing small pieces of food from your teeth, but it certainly doesn’t play the same role as a toothbrush and a toothpaste. In case you are not sure which toothbrush to choose, make sure to check some tips on how to choose the perfect toothbrush.

Chewing gum may reach the surfaces of your teeth, but it does not reach in between your teeth as well as flossing does. Therefore, you can opt for chewing gum, but not at the cost of not brushing and flossing.

3. You can get a cavity only if you eat sweets

Many would agree that having a sweet tooth leads to cavities and gum disease. Therefore, not eating sugar would protect them from having any teeth issues, especially cavities. Upon hearing that they have a cavity, such people might get confused. The truth is that cavities are caused by more than just sugar. All kinds of food might cause a cavity. This is especially the case with acidic foods and drinks. The same applies to carbohydrates, which can lead to cavities and later tooth decay.

4. Brushing hard will clean your teeth better

Brushing thoroughly might be more effective than simply brushing hard. There are many reasons for this. Namely, brushing your teeth harder does not result in more thorough cleaning but can only result in damaging your teeth. Brushing your teeth too hard and in an incorrect way can also influence gum recession. Moreover, it can cause damage to the enamel, which usually protects your teeth from cavities and decay.

5. In case you use a mouth wash, you do not need to floss

Using a kind of mouthwash is indeed effective and has many advantages. However, it does not substitute flossing every day. If you are not flossing, you are not cleaning a huge part of your teeth. Using mouthwash is a good thing, and it is advisable, but you should still floss your teeth every day. Moreover, there are many ways how to take care of your gums that can help you have healthy gums and teeth and avoid dental health myths.

6. You should not visit a dentist during pregnancy

Going to the dentist while pregnant is believed to be unnecessary and even harmful. Many women consider visiting a dentist to be dangerous. However, oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings are important aspects of having healthy teeth and leading a healthy life.

7. Teeth whitening destroys teeth’s surface

Enamel is the tooth’s thin outer coating that covers the crown. It serves as a line of defense against physical injury. It is a fact that it must be protected. However, is it true that it can be destroyed in the process of teeth whitening? Teeth whitening usually is not harmful to your teeth. When teeth whitening treatments are applied correctly, there is no risk to your enamel.

8. My teeth gums are tooth tight for flossing

Tight teeth usually leave very little space between them. This can sometimes make flossing difficult. Moreover, having an orthodontic device makes the process of cleaning even more challenging. However, there are many ways to take care of teeth while wearing braces.

Fortunately, many strategies can make flossing with tight teeth easier. Therefore, your flossing can be both safe and beneficial. Do not refrain from flossing only because it seems scary!

9. Fruit is healthy for your teeth

It is a fact that eating fruit is beneficial for your health. However, this is not the case with your teeth. Fruit is heavy in sugar which can increase the risk of cavities. The fact that drinking fruit juice is good for your teeth is one of the most common dental health myths. That is why drinking fruit juice with a straw, for instance, is advisable.

10. Teeth do not have to be cleaned by a dentist

Many people think that regular dental cleanings are not necessary. It’s critical to see your dentist so that they remove the tartar between your teeth. You might not see it, but it is certainly there. Therefore, make appointments every 6 months to have your teeth professionally cleaned.

Final thoughts

You might have thought many things were good for your teeth, but they turned out not to be so. Regardless of many dental health myths, there is one thing to bear in mind. Dental care is the best defense against tooth decay, gum disease, and other issues. Therefore, do not hesitate to visit a dentist even though you do not have a problem.

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