7 Key Things Required For Being Healthy & Fit

seven things for fitness


Everyone wants to live a long and fruitful life, which requires being healthy and staying fit. With the obesity rate at an all-time high, it’s important that we do our best to stay in shape and maintain our health. Below is a list of 7 key things required in order to stay in shape and maintain your health.

#1. Exercise

One of the best ways to stay healthy is by exercising. Experts recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate cardio or 5 days a week or 75 minutes of vigorous cardio a week, which has the ability to improve your mood and overall quality of life.

Regardless of age or physical ability, everyone can benefit from exercise. Exercising plays an important role, which helps people control their weight and prevents obesity. Regular exercise is also proven to help manage blood sugar and insulin levels.

Studies have also shown that those who exercise regularly are more likely to live longer lives, which also reduces your risk of heart disease and some cancers, such as colon and breast cancer.

Contrary to popular belief, exercising doesn’t have to be a painful or gruelling process, it can actually be fun, which is generally defined as any type of movement that burns calories. There are many fun ways to burn calories, which include swimming, biking, and dancing.

#2. Sleep

A healthy night’s sleep is an important part of staying healthy, which can help manage your weight, improve concentration, and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Experts recommend 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Poor quality of sleep can greatly affect your health and overall mortality, which can lead to depression, weight gain, and weaken your immunity.

#3. Yoga

Yoga is much more than a fitness fad. There are more than 40 million people in the United States alone who practise yoga and those numbers have grown over 50% in the past 3 years. In fact, studies have shown that 1 in three Americans have practised yoga at least once. There are over 100 different types of yoga, which include Iyengar, Hatha, and hot yoga.

The health benefits of yoga are endless, which will take you on a journey of self-healing while also building up your mind and body. Whether you’re a professional football player, fitness model, or stay-at-home dad, everyone could benefit from yoga, which can help reduce chronic pain, increase muscle mass, and help reduce weight. Yoga can also help improve your energy levels, vitality, and promotes cardiovascular health.

#4. Staying Active

There is nothing that benefits the body more than fitness and physical activity, which can lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. Staying active doesn’t mean running a 12-mile marathon, it can simply mean going for a walk or a night out dancing.

#5. Nutritious Diet

Nutrition and fitness go hand and hand, which is why you should never underestimate the importance of good nutrition. Embracing a nutritious diet will help you maintain your weight, which also helps reduce the risks of heart disease, strokes, and cancer. Maintaining a nutritious diet requires eating plenty of fruits and vegetables every day. You should also eat plenty of whole grains and limit your carbohydrate intake, which can cause you to gain weight. Studies have shown that a healthy diet also improves a person’s mood.

Those who consume large amounts of sugar regularly often experience increased symptoms of depression and fatigue. The problem people often have with dieting is many people resent eating vegetables, but eating healthy doesn’t have to seem like a chore. If you’re a picky eater who’s worried about not getting enough nutrition, there are hundreds of different vitamins and supplements, which will provide your body with the nutrition it needs.

#6. Protein (Protein Powder)

Oftentimes dieting and exercising simply isn’t enough, which may also require a healthy dose of protein powder. This nutritional supplement offers a wide variety of benefits, which helps build muscle, promotes weight management, and repairs damaged tissue. When it comes to choosing the right protein powder, there are many different types, which include casein, soy, pea, hemp, and whey. Whey protein is by far the most popular and widely used, which is water-soluble and contains plenty of amino acids.

#7. Hydration

Although there is no such thing as ”The Fountain of Youth, ” unless you’re referring to good ole fashioned H2O. There is nothing more refreshing than a tall glass of iced water. Our bodies need water to survive. In fact, experts recommend at least 8 (8oz) glasses of water per day, which is roughly 4 gallons of water a week.

All living things require water to live which is why the human body is made up of 60% water. It’s important to always stay hydrated, which helps maximize your physical performance and can help aid weight loss. I could spend the whole day listing the benefits of water, which lubricates your joints, promotes healthy skin, regulates body temperature, improves kidney function, and can vastly affect your brain’s performance ability.

The Bottom Line

There is no substitute for healthy living. It’s as simple as that! Live a healthy lifestyle, live a long and healthy life. And the seven things we’ve covered here are a great place to start.

While this list is by no means an end all list, the basics here will keep your body, mind, and emotions in check. Health is no doubt true wealth!

Exercise, sleep, staying active (body and mind), eating healthy, and hydrating your body are about as basic as things come but crucial to living a long and healthy life.

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